The Gilbert Murray Chronicles - originally published as

The Gilbert Murray Chronicles - originally published as



Gilbert Murray MP's Westminster Blog - New

The Gypping in the Marsh Podcast

The Gypping in the Marsh Village Website

The Chronicles

The Inventor

The Professor of Economics

The Retired Wing Commander

The Poultry Magnate

The Poet

The Aristocrat

The Orphanage Director

The Rubber Duck Manufacturer

The Doctor of Economics

The Vicar

The Vicar II

The Butcher

The Retired Wing Commander II

The Undertaker

The Circus Ringmaster

The Inventor II

The Lottery Winner

The Member of Parliament

The Miller

The Vicar III

The Poultry Magnate II

The Poultry Magnate III

The Inventor III

The Retired Wing Commander III

The Adult Video Director

The Dating Agency Proprietor

The Cess Pit Cleaner

The Orphanage Director II

The Psychosexual Therapist

The Vicar IV

The Veterinary Surgeon

The Hotelier

The Farmer

The Baker

The Retired Wing Commander IV

The Inventor IV

The Door Furniture Specialist

The Member of Parliament II

The Brewer

The Signwriter

The Worm Sanctuary Owner

The Astrologer

The Vicar V

The Football Club Manager

The Aristocrat II

The General Practitioner

Mapping Gilbert's activities

Map of Gypping in the Marsh

The Global Scamming Community

Internet Fraud Information

Classified Advertisement Scams

Investment Scams

Job Vacancies in the Scamming Business

Scambaiting Advice

Scambaiting Tips

Gilbert's Guide to Sending Money to Scammers

Blank Western Union and MoneyGram Receipts

Reactions and Feedback

The Scammers' Reactions

Feedback from Fans

Contact Details

Copyright Notice

The Adult Video Director

In which the daughter of the late ex-Vice President of Liberia contacts Gilbert for his assistance in investing $12 million in a "reliable genuine trade or company". What better company could there be than Gilbert's adult video business? The scammer's tale of woe gives Gilbert inspiration for a new adult video production... but will the scammer be willing to accept the starring role that Gilbert offers to her?

Cast of characters

  • Gilbert Murray - director of videos aimed at the adult end of the market.
  • Lisa Wiwoor - allegedly the daughter of the late ex-Vice President of Liberia.
  • William Ray - allegedly an employee of the Melba Financial Credit Union in Canada, where Miss Wiwoor's funds currently reside.

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: TRUST

Sent: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 02:56:51 +0200

Dear friend,

I am Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor, 25 years, the daughter of the former Liberian Vice President, Jomal Wiwoor. I have in my possession the sum of twelve million United States dollars ($12,000,000), and the top list of my priority is where to invest this money outside my country.

I urgently need your assistance in providing a reliable genuine trade or company where I can invest the fund and immediately meet you in your country for settlement.

Please, I will kindly welcome your advice too.

I am expecting your urgent mail response. I need your support and seriousness. I am presently on exile in Freetown, Sierra Leone with my brother Okriko Wiwoor after the United States asked my father to resign with the then President of Liberia, Mr Charles Taylor. My father is late and mother on a self exile in one of the West African countries.

Alternative email addresses:,


Your friend,

Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor

Freetown Refugees Camp, Sierra Leone

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Regarding your interesting email

Sent: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 12:04:28

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

I have just read the most interesting email that you sent me just over a week ago. I must apologise for the delay in getting back to you, but I have been working away in Holland on business and I have only just had chance to go through my emails.

You say you have $12 million to invest in a reliable, genuine trade or company? Well, you may just have contacted the right person. I run my own video production company. We specialise in the adult end of the market. The company has proved to be extremely successful, and I am currently looking for an investor to join me in a partnership and provide the funding we require to expand the business.

Your exciting proposal has reached me at exactly the right time, and I am extremely interested in pursuing your offer. Please get back to me with more details as soon as you can.

I look forward to your positive response.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

PS. You said in your email that your father was late. What is he late for, and how long have you been waiting for him?

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Be Open Minded

Sent: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 11:30:36 -0500 (EST)

Dear friend Gilbert,

Thank you so much for your response. I am willing to work with you provided you will be open minded to assist me invest the $12 million in your company.

The money is in a MELBA FINANCIAL CREDIT UNION in Canada. You have to visit or contact the security vault firm where the fund is kept. You may also establish an offshore account with the financial firm because it is in cash. Probably.

When you have finished establishing the offshore account you opened in your name, you will later transfer the funds to your bank account for the investment.

A power of attorney will be sent to you so that you will have the right as my partner to claim the consignment/money.

For the power of attorney to be issued to you, send:

  1. Your full name
  2. City
  3. Country of origin
  4. Any copy of your identity or international passport

As soon as I receive the document, contact information of the MELBA FINANCIAL CREDIT UNION in Canada will be sent to you for official discussions with them.

Note, I will require an invitation letter from you to come over for the modalities immediately the money is in your nominated account on TRUST.

Your urgent response will be expected while a constant communication flow is needed for the immediate conclusion of the business.

Thank you so much for your understanding and nice talking to me through mail.

Note: my father is late; this means he died four years ago.

Your friend,

Miss Lisa Wiwoor, Sierra Leone

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: The information you requested

Sent: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 09:14:17

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

Thank you for your response to my email. I am tremendously pleased that you wish to accept my offer and invest your money in my business. I can promise you that you will not regret your decision; my video production company is going from strength to strength, and I predict an even more profitable future for it, thanks to the money you are going to invest.

You say the money is in Canada at the moment. To tell you the truth, I have a very busy shooting schedule for the next couple of months - I am halfway through filming our next release, The Postman Always Comes Twice, and then I will be moving straight onto our next film, Give Me Good Head, Old Alfredo Garcia - so I doubt I will have the time to visit the security company myself. Will this be a problem?

You also mentioned that I should open an offshore bank account. Is this strictly necessary? I currently bank with Bartletts of Lincoln - a small, but very reputable bank - and they have always been able to satisfy all of my banking needs. Could I not transfer the money directly into my Bartletts bank account? This would be easier for me.

One other query. You said in your email that you need an invitation letter from me so that you could come over to the UK for "modalities". What are "modalities"? I've not heard of them before. I looked the word up in a dictionary, but it wasn't listed. Are they some kind of African greeting?

You asked me for some information. Here it is:

  1. Full name: Gilbert Arnold Murray
  2. City: I don't actually live in a city; I live in a small, remote village called Gypping in the Marsh
  3. Country of origin: United Kingdom

You also asked for a copy of my passport. I have scanned one in and attached it to this email.

I trust this is all the information you need in order for us to move forward. I look forward to receiving an answer to my queries as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

PS. Thank for for clarifying the situation regarding your father. I am sorry to hear that he is dead. Please accept my condolences. If I were you, I would stop waiting for him any longer. He's not coming back, you know. Probably best to accept it and move on.

Gilbert's forged passport
(Click to enlarge)

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Your Telephone and Fax Number

Sent: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 13:09:01 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

Thanks for the mail. The passport photograph does not look good, because of your position. Is this truly your pic?

To answer your questions; I am not in a position to inform you about the working conditions of the security company. It is good you find out from them, please. Can you send your easy reach telephone number to give them, to reach you?

For your third question, MODALITY means to discuss how to share the percentage of the fund ($12 million) between us.

Thanks and regards,

Miss Lisa Wiwoor

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Frankly, I am offended by your comments

Sent: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 09:27:51

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

I have just read the email you sent to me. To be perfectly honest with you, I am somewhat affronted by your comments regarding my passport photograph. Frankly, Miss Wiwoor, I found your comments rude and insulting. Let me tell you, my dear girl, that it is considered extremely impolite to make adverse comments on the physical appearance of others, just because you personally do not find them attractive.

I have to say that many other people have commented that I am extremely well-preserved for my age, and I always try to make an effort where my appearance is concerned. Furthermore, I have always considered that the photograph on my passport shows me in rather a good light. I clearly remember that I took the time to brilliantine my rather fine head of hair and wax my lustrous moustache before having the photograph taken for my passport, and I think that the time was well-spent.

You also say that the passport photograph does not look good "because of my position". I am sorry, my dear girl, but I fail to see what my position as a video director has to do with my passport photograph.

If we are to work together on this matter, Miss Wiwoor, I expect to receive a full apology from you by return. If an apology is not forthcoming, I shall continue my search for additional funding elsewhere.

Gilbert Murray

PS. One other thing. You have seen my passport. Now let me see yours. I would like to see who I am dealing with.

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: I'm Very Sorry

Sent: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 12:17:54 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

I am very deeply sorry to have gone so far to use such inapplicable words. I am aware that you will not carry this too far. Please accept my sincere apology.

Sir, it is not in my character to insult an elderly person such as you.

If you know that you are not still angry with me, may I have your telephone number to reach you?

Find attached my picture in my international passport.

Miss Wiwoor's forged passport
(Click to enlarge)

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: What do you mean, "elderly"?!?

Sent: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 09:58:38

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

"Elderly"?!? What do you mean, "elderly"?!?

Let me assure you, Miss Wiwoor, that I am in no way "elderly". I am in the prime of life, my dear girl. I am full of vitality. I can prove this to you by the fact that I directed myself in a supporting role in one of our films, Going Down On The Waterfront, last year. And it was an extremely physical part, I can tell you.

Miss Wiwoor, you contacted me with a business proposition. I cannot for the life of me understand why you are now insulting me with every email you send. First of all you tell me that you find me unattractive, and then you tell me that I am "elderly"! This is no way to speak to a prospective business partner.

As a result of your insults, I am severely tempted to forget this whole business. However, out of the goodness of my heart, I am prepared to give you one last chance, as long as you send me an apology by return and promise to refrain from making unpleasant personal comments about me.

Thank you for sending me a copy of your passport, by the way. Note how I have refrained from making any derogatory comments about your appearance. Even if I found you physically repulsive (which, incidentally, I do not), I would be too polite to say so.

Now then, you asked for my telephone number. It's 01927 58367. However, I must warn you that we are having a problem with the telephone line at the moment: we had some extremely strong winds the other day and they brought down the telegraph wires to the village, so our telephone is out of order at the moment. Luckily my satellite internet connection has been unaffected by the bad weather, so I suggest that we continue communicating via email until the telephone company get around to repairing the line.

This is all most inconvenient: it's not good for business at all when people find it hard to get in touch with you, as I am sure you can imagine.

So, Miss Wiwoor, back to business. Get back to me with an apology and a reassurance that you will stop insulting me, and hopefully we will be able to move forward.

Gilbert Murray

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Is This Not a Stupid Question?

Sent: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 14:49:55 -0500 (EST)

Let us forget about this business. I don't have all that time to waste, PERIOD.


From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: I would like to apologise

Sent: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 10:51:52

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

I have looked back over the emails you have sent to me and reconsidered what you said. With the benefit of hindsight, perhaps I have misjudged you: perhaps you were not insulting me intentionally after all, but merely used a few unfortunate turns of phrase in your emails.

If I have indeed misjudged you, then I apologise profusely.

Miss Wiwoor, you contacted me with a serious business proposal. I am still extremely interested in pursuing this proposal. With this in mind, I am willing to let bygones be bygones, forget about your insults, and move forward in partnership with you.

To be absolutely frank, Miss Wiwoor, I have been searching for an outside investor for my company for the past six months or so, and I think I would be a fool to pass you up on your offer.

I still want to work with you, Miss Wiwoor. I believe that if we put the misunderstandings of the past few days behind us, we could work together in a profitable business partnership.

If you are still interested in investing in my business, please get back to me by return. I hope to hear from you. I can promise you that I will not disappoint you.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Re: I would like to apologise

Sent: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 10:30:13 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

Thanks for your mail. I have thrown all the past difference behind me. I too apologise over it.

I am still interested to talk to you directly through your phone line, to arrest my fears towards investing into your company's project. I am very optimistic to invest with you.

May God bless you.

Miss Lisa Wiwoor

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: I am relieved to hear that you would like to move forward

Sent: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 17:08:28

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

Thank you for your email. I am relieved to hear that you would like to move forward and invest in my company.

I too would like to speak to you in person regarding this business, but as I explained yesterday, my telephone is currently out of action as some of the telegraph poles leading to the village have been blown down in the gales we had here recently. Living where you do, it must be difficult for you to imagine the severity of our winters here in the UK. I just count myself lucky that the wind did not result in a total power cut, as happened some months ago. It took three days for the power to be restored then.

As it is, we had a particularly heavy fall of snow last night, which has further hampered the telephone company's efforts to restore our phone lines. I am afraid that there is nothing I can do about this except wait for the lines to be restored. Until then, I suggest we continue communicating by email.

You said that you had "fears" towards investing in my company. Please allow me to allay your fears, my dear girl. I can assure you that my company will prove to be an extremely suitable vehicle for the investment you are planning. The company's profits have risen year on year since 1987, and I am confident that with your extra investment, we will be able to expand and grow to be even more successful.

Living in Sierra Leone, I doubt that you will have come across any of the videos that my company has produced (unlike a great many men in Britain and Europe, who presumably come across my videos on a regular basis). I did investigate the possibility of distributing my videos in South Africa some years ago - I was actually on the verge of striking a deal with a local distributor - but there were fierce protests from a number of religious leaders who were none too keen at the thought of our "adult" videos being sold in South Africa. In the end I took the advice of the local Roman Catholic representative and pulled out at the last minute.

Nevertheless, I can assure you that our videos are extremely popular here in the UK, and also across Europe, where we distribute the videos via mail order and through specialist chains of "adult" shops. Ever since our first big success, Shagfest At Tiffany's, our sales have risen consistently and the company has gone from strength to strength.

I do realise that the adult video business is not to everyone's taste. However, it has provided myself and my wife Elizabeth with a good living for many years, and I am confident that if you invest in the company, you will be more than happy with the financial rewards.

You advised me in your second email to be open-minded. I would ask you to do the same, my dear, and to not let the nature of my business discourage you from investing your money into it.

Please get back to me with details of how we can move forward with this business.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Re: The information you requested

Sent: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 15:53:09 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

Thanks for marrying a wife called Elizabeth bearing the same name with me. I will be looking forward to seeing her. There is no doubt you are marrying a beautiful queen.

Now, you can find below the contact information of the security company in Canada, where the money is deposited, to ask them all you may want to know about the money and to claim.

Melba Financial Credit Union

Tel: 647-436-1440

Fax: 416-322-1643

Contact Person: William Ray


I will send you the power of attorney by this time tomorrow, to enable the security company to guide you on how to claim the fund to your bank account. They may request you to forward your banking particulars or invite you to sign for the release of the fund based on your beneficiary status.

I will expect to receive a letter of invitation to start processing my international passport the with British Embassy in Sierra Leone.

Looking forward to hearing a favourable acknowledgement from you.

Your family friend,

Miss Lisa Wiwoor

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: I will contact the security company immediately

Sent: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 10:16:37

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

Thank you for your email and for sending me details of the security company. I will contact them immediately and start the ball rolling. Thank you also for promising to send me the power of attorney. I look forward to receiving it.

You say you want me to send you a letter of invitation. This will be no problem. Please forward me your postal address by return and I will draft one out and email it on to you. Is there anything in particular you would like me to write in the letter?

Incidentally, if I could clear up one particular point, I am not "marrying a wife called Elizabeth", as you put it. I am pleased to be able to tell you that Elizabeth and I have been happily married for many years. She is a charming woman. I cannot wait for the two of you to meet up: I am sure you will get on like a house on fire.

I must get back to the studio immediately. Unfortunately the leading actor in The Postman Always Comes Twice had a bit too much to drink last night and is consequently finding it somewhat difficult to "perform", if you get my meaning. As well as directing the action I will therefore be having to stand in for him for a number of important close-up shots. I will have to try and keep Elizabeth out of the way: she does tend to get somewhat jealous when I have to stand in for our actors. I keep telling her that it's just work and that it doesn't mean anything to me, but she isn't happy about it.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: William Ray

Subject: Regarding the funds of Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor

Sent: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 10:18:41

Dear Mr Ray,

I am writing to you regarding the $12 million that Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor, the daughter of the former and deceased Liberian Vice President, currently residing in Sierra Leone, has deposited with your company.

Miss Wiwoor is keen to invest this money in my video production company and has asked me to contact you to make the necessary arrangements.

Please get back to me and advise me on the steps we need to take to transfer the $12 million from your vaults into my corporate bank account.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: No word from the security company

Sent: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 16:46:42

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

I trust that you had a pleasant weekend.

I thought I would send you a quick email to let you know that I contacted Mr Ray at the security company on Friday and asked him if he could start the ball rolling regarding transferring your $12 million into my bank account. However, since then I have not heard a word back from him.

Is there any way you could give Mr Ray a shove in the right direction? I am keen to move forward with this business as quickly as possible, and delays like this are no help at all. I would telephone the man, but my phone is still out of action.

Talking of being out of action, my leading man in The Postman Always Comes Twice is still incapable of "performing". It seems the man has a drink problem. If I had known that when I auditioned him, I would never have taken him on. A leading actor who is unable to get it up is about as much use as a chocolate condom. I have been having to stand in for him all weekend - quite literally - and I am absolutely exhausted. Still, there are worse jobs to do, I suppose.

Do let me know if you hear anything from Mr Ray, won't you my dear?

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray; Cc: William Ray

Subject: The power of attorney

Sent: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 14:25:23 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

Sorry for not being able to send you the power of attorney earlier as promised last week. I was waiting for my lawyer to come back from his trip to South Africa.

So I have now attached the copy of the power of attorney to this mail indicating our partnership bond.

Miss Lisa Wiwoor

The power of attorney
(Click to enlarge)

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: What is our next step?

Sent: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 12:05:21

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

Thank you for sending me the power of attorney. What a fine looking document it is.

Now that the power of attorney is in my possession, what is our next step? I still haven't heard a thing from the Canadian security company. Perhaps it is an extended public holiday in Canada? I have heard that the Canadians have a major public holiday to commemorate the invention of maple syrup, but I'm not sure when that is.

My problems regarding the filming of my latest video continue. The leading actor in The Postman Always Comes Twice has been permanently drunk for days now, and I have had to give him the sack. This is a major problem, as we have already shot about half of the film. Elizabeth and I are going to sit down today and rewrite the rest of the script to enable us to introduce another main male character to the plot - perhaps a milkman - who can be played by a new actor.

As a result of this, we may have to consider renaming the film too. At the moment I am considering The Postman Always Comes Twice, But The Milkman Leaves More Cream as a possible title, but I'm not sure if it's catchy enough. What do you think?

I have already started advertising for a new male actor. Hopefully Elizabeth and I will be able to conduct auditions later in the week. Elizabeth always enjoys that part of the job.

Anyway, back to business. Please let me know what we need to do next in order to get this money transferred into my bank account. Have you had any luck getting a response out of the security company?

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: William Ray; Cc: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Regarding the funds of Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor

Sent: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 11:28:41

Dear Mr Ray,

I sent you an email last Friday regarding the funds of Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor, which are currently deposited in your security company. Miss Wiwoor and I are seeking to arrange the transfer of these funds into my own bank account. To this end, Miss Wiwoor forwarded a power of attorney to you on Monday, which gives me the legal right to act on her behalf.

To be perfectly frank with you, I am surprised that you have not yet seen fit to respond.

I am a busy man, Mr Ray, and I would like to execute this transaction as swiftly as possible. With this in mind, kindly respond to this email by return so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: William Ray; Cc: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Respond immediately, or wave goodbye to my business

Sent: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 10:09:22

Mr Ray,

I contacted you last Friday regarding a fund that currently resides within your vaults, which I want to arrange to transfer into my own bank account.

The owner of this fund, Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor, sent you a power of attorney on Monday, which gives me the legal right to act on her behalf.

I contacted you once again on Wednesday, asking you to start the ball rolling.

Despite all this, I have heard absolutely nothing from you. Not only is this poor business etiquette, I also consider it to be extremely rude of you.

I am not a patient man, Mr Ray. If I do not hear back from you by the end of today, you can wave goodbye to me and my business.

Gilbert Murray

From: William Ray

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Re: Regarding the funds of Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor

Sent: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 09:51:22 -0500 (EST)


MARCH 11, 2005


I wish to inform you that this office has been authorised by Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor to accredit your draft. We wish to express our regrets on behalf of Miss Lisa Jomal Wiwoor over the period of time this transaction has taken. We apologise for the delay and other inconveniences this may have caused you.

This office is an offshore credit settlement segment responsible for debts, based in Toronto, Canada. We are therefore pleased to inform you that your payment has been approved.

You are therefore required to complete the attached document and fax it back to us as soon as possible. This will enable us to confirm the authenticity of the beneficiary and expedite the fund's release.

You may choose to call me for any further information.

Yours truly,

William Ray, Accounts Officer

Tel: 647-436-1440

Fax: 416-322-1643


The security application form
(Click to enlarge)

From: Gilbert Murray

To: William Ray

Subject: I will examine the document you sent me this weekend

Sent: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 16:02:36

Dear Mr Ray,

Thank you for getting back to me eventually. Better late than never, I suppose. Please ensure that there are no more delays in this business from now on.

Thank you also for sending me the security application form. I will examine it this weekend and get it back to you early next week.

I trust you will have a pleasant weekend.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Mr Ray has finally been in touch

Sent: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 16:06:22

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

A quick note to let you know that Mr Ray from the security company has finally been in touch. At last: I was beginning to despair of this entire business.

He has sent me a form to fill in. I will take a look at it this weekend and get back to him early next week.

Things are rather hectic around here at the moment: we are in the middle of auditioning male actors to take the new lead role in The Postman Always Comes Twice, But The Milkman Leaves More Cream (I have decided to use that title, by the way). It is quite exhausting work, especially for Elizabeth, who likes to take a very active role in the auditions. She is in the middle of gauging one candidate's performance as we speak: I can hear them quite clearly through the screen door. Judging by Elizabeth's reactions to the young actor's efforts, I think he is favourite to get the part so far. He certainly sounds as if he is putting all he has got into it.

I would like to wish you a pleasant weekend. I will get back to you next week when I have made some more progress with Mr Ray.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray; Cc: William Ray

Subject: Re: Mr Ray has finally been in touch

Sent: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 15:10:42 -0500 (EST)

Dear friend Gilbert,

I have written to Mr Ray since last week and up till this moment the security company have not replied to me either. What nonsense is all this from Mr Ray.

I have to thank God they at last answered you today. I hope the reply you received could have been as a result of the letter stinker I dropped through my mail to them yesterday.

Please, I will be interested to receive also the copy of the filled form when returning it them.

Hi Gilbert, from the information given me as you narrate about auditioning, it is not an easy task. You must be a real busy man with my friend Elizabeth. Please try to make out time for yourself to relax.

Thanks and best regards.

From: Gilbert Murray

To: William Ray

Subject: The completed security application form

Sent: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 09:31:30

Dear Mr Ray,

Please find attached my completed security application form, and a copy of my passport. I have sent the form to you via email as I do not possess a fax machine. I used to have one years ago, but the thing kept on breaking and I got sick of having to repair it all the time.

I trust this is all the information you need in order to move forward. Please advise me as to our next step.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

The completed security application form
(Click to enlarge)

Gilbert's forged passport
(Click to enlarge)

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Re: The completed security application form

Sent: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 14:01:14 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

Yes, I have seen the security form you filled in for the understanding of Melba Financial Credit Union, Toronto, Canada.

I am hopeful it is in order as they want.

I will be very happy to receive all the information and steps taking for actualisation of this money into your account, now that you have opened communication with the financial company.

You can find below my contact address in Sierra Leone. Use this address to send me a letter of invitation to the United Kingdom. The invitation will read a visiting visa. You will include my brother's name in the invitation: OKIRIKO JOMAL WIWOOR.

Elisabeth Jomal Wiwoor, Plot 14/15 Sakanbiarwa Cresent, Leicester Peak (Government Reservation Area), Freetown Peninsula, Sierra Leone

Thanks for your kindness. Also extend my warmest greeting to my friend Elizabeth with you there.

May God bless you.

Your friend,

Lisa Wiwoor

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Regarding the letter of invitation

Sent: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 09:46:48

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

Thank you for your email. I trust you are well. I have yet to hear back from Mr Ray, but hopefully he will get back in touch with me later today. I do hope we do not experience any more delays from his end: I am not a patient man, and I abhor people who waste time when there is business to be done.

Now then, about this letter of invitation you want me to send you. Am I right in thinking that you and your brother require this letter of invitation in order to acquire visas for entry into the United Kingdom?

If this is the case, I want to ensure that I write the letter in such a way that your visa applications will be accepted. I have been thinking about this, and I wondered if I should write in the letter of invitation that I need you to come over to the United Kingdom to work for my video production company?

I think this may be the best course of action: if the letter states that you and your brother are needed in this country for the production of a new film, I am sure that your visa applications will be considered favourably.

As it happens, Elizabeth and I have been touched by your story, and we were talking over the weekend about producing a new video in the near future, loosely based on the classic John Huston film African Queen (which starred Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn) but incorporating elements of your own remarkable life story. Elizabeth has already started sketching out a possible plot. I could state in the letter of invitation that you and your brother are required to play the starring roles in the film. I am sure that would get your visa applications passed. What do you think?

Let me know if you approve. If so, I will draft a letter of invitation to you and your brother immediately.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

PS. Presumably you and your brother will require accommodation when you come to visit Elizabeth and I in Gypping in the Marsh. We have a little caravan at the bottom of the garden and we would be honoured if the two of you would consent to being our guests for the duration of your stay. Please do say that you will accept. We are so looking forward to meeting you.

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Re: Regarding the letter of invitation

Sent: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:22:54 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

I sincerely thank you and Elizabeth for acknowledging the invitation of me and my only brother who is the only survival male in our family.

I am sharing the tears of joy as I write you now, for you accepting us in your life is the best thing that I feel has happened in our entire existence. I cannot have enough words to appreciate this wholesome accommodation and your kindness. Money has never been everything in life, but to see someone accepting you as himself and to move along with him or her in a positive direction. You are very GREAT indeed, I must confess this to you.

Please do not relent your strength in breaking through to claim this money out from this financial firm. Most of these security companies can delay unnecessarily. I have been sending a series of mails to them in Canada to release the fund to you without further delay.

The answer to your question in paragraph two of your mail to me is "YES". Myself and my brother need the invitation to come.

Remain blessed as you work hard.

Your friend,


From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: I shall draft out a letter of invitation tomorrow

Sent: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 17:16:31

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

Thank you for your email and for your kind words, which have touched the hearts of both Elizabeth and I. We both feel honoured to be in a position to help you and your brother out of the situation in which you currently find yourselves. Mind you, it is nothing less than you deserve: after all, you are helping me out by investing your not inconsiderable fortune in my video production business.

I shall draft out a letter of invitation tomorrow and send it on to you. As agreed, the letter will state that you and your brother are required to come over to the UK in order to act in the new video we are going to shoot.

You will be pleased to hear that Elizabeth has spent the day developing her ideas for this proposed new video, which as you no doubt recall will be loosely based on John Huston's classic African Queen, but with elements of your own life story mixed into the plot. Elizabeth devises the plots and writes the screenplays for all of the videos we produce, and she has had some excellent ideas which I am sure will make this new video a Gilbert Murray Moving Pictures production to remember.

Incidentally, my dear girl, have you ever considered acting as a profession? Your passport photograph shows you to be an attractive young lady, and I feel sure that with looks like that you could go far in the world of adult entertainment. If your brother is similarly blessed with good looks, perhaps the two of you would consider actually accepting parts in this new video? I would be more than happy to give you a quick once-over on the casting couch when you visit us in the UK, in order to see if you have the qualities we are looking for in an actress. And I am sure that Elizabeth would not mind checking out your brother's performance too.

I must go: we have one more outside scene to shoot for The Postman Always Comes Twice, But The Milkman Leaves More Cream today, and I want to get it in the can before the light goes.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

PS. Still no word from Mr Ray. Perhaps he is out hunting moose, or whatever it is they do to pass the time in Canada.

From: William Ray

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Re: The completed security application form

Sent: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 15:01:14 -0500 (EST)


MARCH 15, 2005


We have gone through the data sent to us, and are pleased to bring to your notice that it matches exactly with what we have here in our records. This proves you to be the true beneficiary of the funds.

However, based on the large payment pack we are here dealing with, you are required to be responsible for the following applicable charges that will enable us to expedite action on this transaction. Therefore, you are hereby directed to pay to our Accounts Dept the sum of US $2,550 as a processing and handling fee.

The payment should be made to the Senior Accounts/Administration Officer, Mr Richard Stanford, through MoneyGram money transfer (Toronto, Canada).



Tel: 647-436-1440

Fax: 416-322-1643


From: Gilbert Murray

To: William Ray

Subject: Regarding payment of your processing and handling fee

Sent: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 10:14:02

Dear Mr Ray,

Thank you for your email. I am pleased to hear that your records appear to be up to date and that they confirm me to be the rightful beneficiary of the fund in question.

Regarding payment of your processing and handling fee, I have an idea. Rather than waste time and effort transferring the money to your Senior Accounts/Administration Officer, Mr Stanford, I hereby authorise you to open my consignment and take your fee directly from within it. I am sure you will agree, this will simplify things all round, and it will enable you to gain access to your fee instantly.

Now that I have dealt with the payment of your processing and handling fee, we need to arrange for the consignment to be delivered to me. Please get back to me by return with information on what arrangements you propose to make to facilitate this.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Good news from Mr Ray

Sent: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 10:16:22

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

Good news from Mr Ray: he contacted me last night to inform me that his records do indeed show me to be the rightful beneficiary to your consignment.

Apparently there is some small fee to pay before the consignment can be delivered to me, but this should not be a problem. I have authorised Mr Ray to take his fee directly out of the $12 million in the consignment.

I drafted a letter of invitation for you and your brother last night and popped it into the post first thing this morning. It's on my company's headed paper, so it's all nice and official. As we discussed, I have stated in the letter that you are both required to visit the UK in order to work on our next adult video. The text of the letter is as follows:

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

I am writing to invite you and your brother, Okiriko Jomal Wiwoor, to travel to the United Kingdom in order to act in the two main leading roles in my adult video production company's next film. As you are aware, this film is loosely based on your own life story, with a nod to the John Huston classic, African Queen.

As discussed, in our version of the film, African Anal Queen, you will be playing the part of Lisa Weewhore (note the cunning change of name to protect your true identity).

In the film, the main characters' father, a wealthy government official in a nameless African country, is forced out of office and dies during an autoerotic accident involving chains, rubber hoses and a fur-lined wetsuit. His son and daughter flee their father's enemies on a river boat (there's the nod to African Queen) and eventually find their way to Freetown, Sierra Leone, where they are forced to make a living by selling access to the interiors of their posteriors around the bars of the town (this will be the main portion of the film, as it gives us plenty of justification for lots of gratuitous scenes involving anal sex). The unfortunate pair are eventually rescued from their plight by a kindly Englishman, who arranges for them to travel over to England and stay in his caravan, where their backsides are allowed to recover from their ordeal.

During your stay in the UK, you and your brother will be more than welcome to stay with my wife and I. We very much look forward to seeing you.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

I trust that letter will be satisfactory for your purposes and that it will enable you and your brother to obtain visas. Please let me know when you receive it.

Regarding the film, Elizabeth and I are extremely excited about it. There is quite a market for that sort of video (especially in Belgium, for some reason), and we feel that basing the plot loosely upon your life story will add a touch of realism to the film.

In all seriousness, my dear girl, would you consider taking up acting? It can be extremely fulfilling. I know for a fact that my wife is fulfilled almost on an hourly basis when she takes part in filming one of our videos.

I will let you know when I hear back from Mr Ray regarding the delivery of the consignment.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: William Ray; Cc: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: How are things progressing?

Sent: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 10:28:56

Dear Mr Ray,

Following on from the email I sent to you yesterday, how are things progressing regarding my consignment?

I assume that you will by now have extracted your processing and handling fee from the consignment - leaving a total of $11,997,450 in the consignment by my calculation - and that we are therefore ready to arrange for the consignment to be delivered to me.

Please get back to me by return and advise me on our next step. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: William Ray; Cc: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: I will not tolerate any further delays

Sent: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 10:59:46

Mr Ray,

It is now two days since I contacted you regarding the payment of your processing and handling fee. Since then I have heard nothing from you whatsoever.

Such delays are unacceptable. I have warned you before that I am not a patient man. I am simply not prepared to put up with any further delays from your end on this matter.

If you do not get back to me by the end of the day, I will be forced to take my business elsewhere.

Gilbert Murray

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Mr Ray is delaying things yet again

Sent: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 13:14:03

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

How are you today, my dear girl? It is some days since I last heard from you. I trust you are keeping well. Do let me know how you and your brother are getting on.

Elizabeth and I have been making arrangements for your impending visit to Gypping in the Marsh: we have been giving the caravan at the bottom of the garden a good spring clean for you.

As you will no doubt be aware, Mr Ray is delaying things yet again. I have emailed the man this morning, demanding action from him. Hopefully this will raise some sort of response. I have to say, your late father didn't exactly choose the best security company to look after his fortune, did he? They have a lot to learn when it comes to customer service.

Tell me, my dear, have you received your letter of invitation in the post yet? I posted it first class, but I don't know how long it will take to get to you. I have heard rumours that the speed and efficiency of the postal service in Sierra Leone largely depends from day to day on whether or not the postman has bothered to feed his donkey.

Is there anything you can do to prompt Mr Ray into action, my dear? Surely as the daughter of an ex-African politician - even a dead and disgraced one - you must have some influence.

Have a word with Mr Ray and let me know how you get on. My patience with the man is fast running out.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Sorry For The Delay

Sent: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 13:39:05 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

I am very sorry in keeping silence in your two mails. Please accept my sincere apology.

I had a car crash with my car on the 15th of this month, March, when I was coming back from a lecture. I was admitted in the hospital all this while and this prompted my late replies to your emails. I sustained some bruises and had dislocation on my left leg. Well, I thank God that I'm alive. I have been discharged from the hospital where I was admitted for medical treatment this evening. I only lost my beautiful car in the accident, which was beyond repair.

In respect of the invitation, I'm quite sorry to say that the mail system delivery in this country is very poor. We hardly receive letters through any kind of posting. I will be going to the Postmaster General's office tomorrow to find out why I have not gotten this important letter.

A lot of mail I ought to have received in the past, some was just lost in thin air and some returned back to the sender due to inefficiency delivery location. The system of numbering houses is very poor and confusing in this country.

I will write to Mr Ray tomorrow a strong warning mail for delaying the transfer of this money to you. I want to have a rest for today only.

You are very important to me. That is why I have taken the pains as I was been worried to mail you.

Please extend my warmest greeting to Elizabeth my friend and your co-worker.

Thanks, and it's nice to be in your company with Elizabeth.

Your friend,


From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: I am terribly sorry to hear about your accident

Sent: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 09:51:38

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

Thank you for your email. I am terribly sorry to hear about your accident, but Elizabeth and I are both relieved to hear that you are alive. You may have lost your car, but you still have your life. That is the main thing.

How did it happen, my dear? I have heard that the roads in Sierra Leone - and the general standard of driving - are very poor. Did you have to swerve to avoid the postman's donkey and crash your car into a tree?

Mind you, it is not only in Sergio Leone that accidents can happen; Elizabeth and I were involved in a car accident once upon a time in America. We flew over there, hired a car, and were planning to tour the country over the course of two months. I remember it all so vividly. We handed over a fistful of dollars to a huge man at the car hire company - he was as big as the Colossus of Rhodes. We could have hired a slightly better car for a few dollars more, but money was tight in those days.

Anyway, we set off in the car and headed west. We saw all sorts of driving in America - the good, the bad and the ugly - but nothing could have prepared us for what happened once upon a time in the west. We were driving along the road, minding our own business, when we saw a fire engine coming the other way. Suddenly, the ladder of the fire engine disengaged itself and swung free, right out into the middle of the road... right out in front of us! We had next to no time at all to react. Elizabeth and I heard the driver of the fire engine shout out "Duck, you sucker", and we both instantly ducked down in our seats. We were just in time: seconds later, the fire engine's ladder smashed into the windscreen of our car and took the whole roof off! If we hadn't have ducked when we did, Elizabeth and I would both have been decapitated. It was a terrifying moment.

Anyway, enough about car accidents. I am sorry to hear that you have not yet received your letter of invitation. I am sure it will arrive sometime this week. Do let me know as soon as you get it.

Also let me know how you get on with Mr Ray. I have to admit, I am fast losing patience with this man. He just doesn't reply to my emails. That's no way to do business. If he doesn't apply himself to the business in hand very quickly, I may have to consider giving up on this whole business and searching for the money I need elsewhere. I would hate to let you down, but what else can I do?

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

PS. You haven't told me how you feel about the possibility of moving into the adult film business in an acting role. Elizabeth's script for African Anal Queen is fast taking shape, and we need to know if you and your brother are interested in applying for the leading roles.

From: Gilbert Murray

To: Lisa Wiwoor

Subject: Have you had any luck contacting Mr Ray?

Sent: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 09:00:02

Dear Miss Wiwoor,

How are you, my dear girl? To be honest, I am becoming concerned that I have not heard back from you regarding this transaction. Is everything alright? You haven't been involved in another car accident, have you?

Get back to me as soon as you can and let me know if you've had any luck contacting Mr Ray. I am keen to get this transaction over and done with as soon as possible: it is taking far too long, if you ask me.

Best regards,

Gilbert Murray

From: Lisa Wiwoor

To: Gilbert Murray

Subject: Re: Have you had any luck contacting Mr Ray?

Sent: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 13:56:45 -0500 (EST)

Dear Gilbert,

I am sorry to not have been in contact with you. This time around the pains on my leg has increased. I was taken to hospital again.

Mr Ray in his reply to my mail and in the phone discussion I had with him, he said that the charges must be paid. It is the policy of their company before any payment could be made to the beneficiary of the money.

Since then I'm worried looking for how I could raise the fund, but my health has been my hindrance to me. I am really confused, and I do not know where to start and end these matters arising.

Your friend,


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